Huub v.d. Linden

Some time ago I had to make photo's from decorative articles sold by Huub v.d. Linden. Below you see two screenshots from the website where you can order these articles. Clicking on the image brings you to the respective pages on Amaron.

 Schermafbeelding 2023 02 18 om 14.30.01
Schermafbeelding 2023 02 18 om 14.29.51


Ballast LinkedIn

In august 2022 I was on the road again for Ballast-Nedam. I photographed the project "Ven & Heide" in Etten-Leur. Ballast-Nedam posted a message on LinkedIn with a YouTube movie of my photographs. When you click on the screenshot the post opens and you can watch the movie.

Assignment for township Heeze-Leende

As off recently there are asylum seekers that will be shelterd in sports hall "De Pompenmaker" in Heeze. The city council asked me to make pictures of the furnishing of the sports hall and the reception of the asylum seekers. Some of these pictures have been used in a newsletter. The pictures show the header of the newsletter but when you click on it you can see a pdf of the newsletter.

A gallery of pictures can be seen here: Gallery Emergency Shelter

Nieuwsbrief Gemeente AsielzoekeropvangNewsletter no 1Nieuwsbrief Gemeente Asielzoekeropvang 2Newsletter no 2Nieuwsbrief Gemeente Asielzoekeropvang 3Newsletter no 3Nieuwsbrief Gemeente Asielzoekeropvang 4Newsletter no 4

My photograph in Zoom

My photograph in Zoom-Lightpainting and that makes me very proud. CLICK HERE.